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Nairobi, Kenya 2022

“Nairobi, Kenya was filled with an eventful experience. During our trip, transportation and hospitality felt very welcoming. Myself and partnering artist, Dr Kells, made our first meet during this expedition. It brought our partnership closer together. For this trip, it was amazing to have my team, especially Oakland, California local artist YH Bizzel. From performance nights, media collaboration, and charitable initiatives, Black to Africa truly gained a new perspective for African music and culture!”

Founder Kontraband Beatz

Lagos, Nigeria 2023

“Lagos, Nigeria brought more awareness for our Black to Africa team and artists. We were able to meet a talented Nigerian videographer by the name “4K”, collaborate in music production with Nigerian producer ”Nab G”, and gained a better understanding of Lagos from a DJ and Nigeria historian, Raymond Bola Browne. I always enjoy the portion of our trips when we collaborate with locals. The youth from the “Star Kids Academy” came together and created choreography for one of my collaborated singles. Additionally, we continued our charity initiatives and collaborated with the Makoko Community to hand out food to children and families in need.”

Founder Kontraband Beatz

San Francisco, CA 2024

“For 2024, my goals are focused towards an eventful year in the United States. This includes bringing our afro-beat partner, Dr Kells, to San Francisco for a 3 week cultural exchange experience. Similar to the initiatives in our past trips to Africa, we will be collaborating with local artists, youth community event coordinators and local businesses to have an artistically driven year. My goal is to have a minimum of six events and I have a feeling it will

be surpassed.”

Founder Kontraband Beatz


Words by the Founder

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